Answered By: Caltech Research Librarians
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2024     Views: 773

To create an annotated bibliography:

  1. Add your summary and evaluation of the citation to the ‘Extra’ field in Zotero Standalone (which you can find in the right pane if you have a citation selected).

    Screenshot showing Zotero's My Library menu.

  2. From within Zotero Standalone, go Edit > Preferences > Cite > Styles and click on 'Get additional styles...'

    Screenshot showing Zotero's standalone preferences and styles window.

  3. From within the Zotero Style Repository search for annotated, find American Psychological Association 7th edition (annotated bibliography) OR Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (note, annotated bibliography) and click on one of the links to add the style to Zotero Standalone.
    Screenshot showing Zotero's Style Repository window.

  4. When you're ready to create an annotated bibliography, make sure you have selected the correct citation style. Go to

    1. Edit > Preferences > Cite > Styles > Style Manager and choose the annotated style you added in Step 3 (APA or Chicago)

    2. Edit > Preferences > Export > Default Format and choose the annotated style you added in Step 3 (APA or Chicago)

  5. Then, from within Zotero Standalone, select a collection or group of citations (hold the CTRL key and click to select multiple items)

  6. Right-click and choose 'Create Bibliography...'

    1. A dialog box will pop up and you can choose  the annotated style you added in Step 3 (APA or Chicago), output mode, and output method.

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