Answered By: Caltech Research Librarians Last Updated: Nov 29, 2023 Views: 57
Answered By: Caltech Research Librarians
Last Updated: Nov 29, 2023 Views: 57
Follow these steps to save searches in your LibSearch account:
Login to LibSearch (see our FAQ on logging into LibSearch for details).
When you’ve refined your search and you would like to save it, click on the Share drop-down menu in the top right corner of your search.
From the Share drop-down menu, you have several choices. We’ll focus on the Add to folder option.
To add the first page of your search results to your Articles Folder, click on Results (1-50).
Please note: The number range in the parenthesis are related to your page option settings, so this might look different for you.
To see what you’ve saved, go to Folder and then Articles.
To add the first page of your search results to your Articles Folder, click on Add search to folder: climate change
Please note: The name of the folder will be based on your search terms, so this might look different for you.
To see what you’ve saved, go to Folder and then Persistent Links to Searches.
Another option for saving a search is to look at your history by selecting Search History from the top of your results. Once that is selected, you will see a drop-down list of all of the searches you’ve performed during your current session.
From here, select the search (or searches) you want to save, using the check boxes to the left of the page.
Then choose from the following:
Print Search History: Selecting this prompts you to print a list of the searches you’ve performed. It does not provide a detailed list of records from each search.
Retrieve Searches: Selecting this takes you to Folder > Saved Searches, so that you can find previously saved searches.
Retrieve Alerts: Selecting this takes you to Folder > Search Alerts, so that you can find previously saved alerts.
Save Searches / Alerts: Selecting this prompts you to name and describe your saved search.
Once you set a name and description of your search and click Save, you may see a long list of databases. Scroll down to the bottom, select Continue, and you will see the Saved Searches in your Folder.
Or to view your saved searches, go to Folder > Saved Searches.
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