Answered By: Mel Ray
Last Updated: Nov 30, 2023     Views: 35

Use quotes to search for exact phrases in LibSearch. This will return results that exactly match the spelling and order of the term(s) in quotes.  For example:

  • “artificial intelligence” AND engineering

  • Variations on the term “artificial intelligence” like AI or “intelligences” would not be searched for.

If searching for part or parts of a citation, be sure to remove any existing single or double quotes so the search is processed correctly.  For example:

  • Original citation: Dulov, Eugene. 2021. “Evaluation of Decision-Making Chains and Their Fractal Dimensions.” Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science 55 (2): 386–429. doi:10.1007/s12124-020-09566-9.

  • Recommended search: Dulov Evaluation of Decision-Making Chains and Their Fractal Dimensions Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science

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