Answered By: Caltech Research Librarians Last Updated: Nov 30, 2023 Views: 1662
Answered By: Caltech Research Librarians
Last Updated: Nov 30, 2023 Views: 1662
You can set up a Zotero group library as a specific 'Group Type' that will help prevent copyright infringement.
(1) If you create a public group library with open membership, the following restrictions apply (because Zotero is designed to curb copyright infringement):
Full text PDFs cannot be seen by anyone (Zotero group members or nonmembers)
You are not able to download full text PDFs into your Zotero group library from a website using Zotero Connector
You are not able to drag and drop full text PDFs into your Zotero group library
(2) If you create a public group library with closed membership or if you create a private group library:
Generally, Zotero's restrictions do not apply
Therefore, it is up to you to determine whether a PDF can be legally shared or not based on its copyright or open access status. For example:
You are allowed to share a published article with a Creative Commons license
A copyright owner may grant you permission to share an article
If your group comprises only Caltech faculty, staff, and/or students, the Caltech subscription negotiated by the library may allow for local sharing
If you obtained a full text PDF via Docuserve or bought it from a publisher's site, your right to share with others may be limited by the terms and conditions of the service you used
When in doubt, please contact the library
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