Answered By: Tom Morrell Last Updated: Jul 12, 2023 Views: 6486
First upload your software to CalechDATA, and then click on the blue DOI badge on the right hand side of the record. You'll get a list of badge code that you can copy into your GitHub repository. You can also use the InvenioRDM GitHub Archiver (IGA) , which creates metadata records and sends releases automatically from GitHub to CaltechDATA. It replaces and enhances the GitHub integration that was previously available in CaltechDATA. You can set up IGA as a GitHub Action in your repository by following these instructions, or if you email your GitHub repository to we'll directly make a pull request with the configuration.
If you're not affiliated with Caltech, you can use Zenodo. Once you log in, select GitHub from the profile menu in the upper right hand side of the screen. You'll need to enter your GitHub credentials and then select the repository of interest (you might have to refresh the page for the buttons to activate). Your software will be preserved only when you make a release in GitHub.
Different formats of the GitHub badge will appear on the GitHub section of Zenodo once you make your first software release. If you want the DOI badge to appear with your first release, find your Github repo id at: (swap out your repo name).
Copy the markdown snippet below to your README file and replace the two long number sequences with your Github repo id:
The badge will not appear until you make a release in GitHub and a DOI is assigned.
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