Answered By: Caltech Research Librarians Last Updated: Feb 06, 2024 Views: 77381
To use Zotero Integration with Overleaf, please follow these steps:
Make sure you have created a Zotero account online and that it is synced with Zotero Standalone.
Log into Overleaf and navigate to 'Account Settings.'
Scroll down to the bottom of the settings page to find 'Zotero Integration.'
Click on 'Link to Zotero' and you will be prompted to log into Enter the username and password you used when creating your Zotero account online.
Once you have logged into Zotero, you will be prompted to create a 'New Private Key.' The 'Key Description' defaults to a word or phrase associated with the third party application that would like to access your Zotero library (in this case Overleaf).
Click on 'Accept Defaults' and you will be automatically returned to your Overleaf account settings page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find 'Zotero Integration' again. You should see both 'Account is linked' and 'Unlink Zotero.'
Scroll back up to the top of the account settings page and click on 'Projects.' Then, from your 'Projects' page, select the project you want to connect to Zotero.
Once you are viewing a specific project, select 'New File' from the top right menu.
You will be prompted with a number of choices. Select 'From Zotero' and you will be prompted to name your file and to choose a format (BibTeX or BibLaTeX). Once you have named your file and picked a format, click on 'Create.'
PLEASE NOTE: Your filename must end with .bib for it to work properly.
Add your Zotero file (as a bib resource) to header of your main.tex file.
Insert a Zotero citation as you would any other citation from a .bib file!
PLEASE NOTE: If you add new citations to Zotero and want to update your Zotero-integrated .bib file in Overleaf, select the .bib file, and then click on the 'Refresh' button at the bottom of the page.
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