Answered By: Caltech Research Librarians
Last Updated: Feb 06, 2024     Views: 17916

A book chapter from an edited volume is entered as a 'Book Section.'

To add a book section to Zotero Standalone:

  1. Click the green new item button and select 'Book Section.'
    1. If 'Book Section' does not appear at first, select 'More' and then 'Book Section.')

Screenshot of Add Item button in Zotero.

  1. Enter the chapter title in the 'Title' field
  2. Enter the book title in the 'Book Title' field in the Info pane.

    Screenshot of citation info panel highlighting title and book title.
  3. Click the plus sign (+) sign on the author line in the right column to add editors or additional authors.
    1. If you click the triangle to the left of the new author field you will be able to change it to an editor.

Screenshot of info panel in Zotero highlighting add and remove buttons.

If you need to change an existing citation's item type to a book chapter, select the citation, click on existing item type in the info pane (to reveal a drop down menu), and choose 'Book Section.'Screenshot of info panel in Zotero highlighting item type.

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