Answered By: Caltech Research Librarians
Last Updated: Feb 06, 2024     Views: 3915

To sort citations in Zotero:

  1. Focus on the center panel in Zotero Standalone.
  2. Notice the headers at the top (for example, Title, Creator, Year, and Date Added):

Screenshot of Zotero with circle around the headers in the center panel.

  1. Click on each header to sort alphabetically or numerically. 
    • You can switch between A to Z or Z to A. You can also switch between higher to lower numbers or lower to higher numbers.

To add or remove headers in Zotero Standalone:

  1. Right- or CTRL-click in the header to open a drop down menu.
  2. Notice that a check mark next to a header means that it is active.

Screenshot of Zotero with circle around add/remove headers drop down menu in center panel.

  1. Click on a checked header to remove it.

Screenshot of add/remove headers drop down menu in Zotero center panel with arrow pointing to a check mark.

  1. Click on a non-checked header to add it.

Screenshot of add/remove headers drop down menu in Zotero center panel with arrow pointing to an item without a check mark.

You can also drag and drop headers to put them in an order that makes sense to you.

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