Answered By: Kathy Johnson
Last Updated: Apr 01, 2024     Views: 227

Library DOI Services

Self-Service DOIs

Everyone at Caltech can get a DataCite DOI for digital objects by using the submission form in CaltechDATA. The user provides metadata about the object they are registering and a copy of the digital object. Caltech Library stores the digital object and ensures that the DOI link is updated.

Custom DOIs

Groups at Caltech can generate custom DOIs on their own prefix (For example, LIGO uses prefix 10.7935). This makes it easier to collectively manage the DOIs in the future and transfer them between organizations. Groups can obtain a custom DOI prefix by contacting the Library.

Caltech Theses, Technical Reports, and other Publications

The Caltech Library generates and manages custom DOIs on the Caltech prefix. Items held in CaltechTHESIS are given DOIs automatically. Items in CaltechAUTHORS are handled on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Library for more details.

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